Sunday 17 May 2009

Tony Finn Sacked! Lynne Hillan Put in Charge of Finances

Another Not The Barnet Times Exclusive!

Tony Finn, widely regarded in the Conservative Group as a safe pair of hands, has been sensationally axed from the Cabinet by Mike Freer in a ruthless attempt to scupper Finn’s chances of defeating Lynne Hillan in the leadership contest later this year.

Moderates in the party are aghast at the thought that Hillan could be handed the top job on a plate, and Tony Finn is seen as the only candidate capable of stopping her.

For Lynne Hillan, this represents the ultimate revenge because it was Tony Finn’s intervention in the great coup of 2006 which resulted in Matthew Offord becoming Deputy Leader instead of her.

In another surprise move, Mike Freer has finally bowed to pressure to relinquish his dual role as Cabinet Member for Resources, following heavy criticism of his abject failure to monitor the whereabouts of £27.4 million of taxpayers money now at risk in Iceland. But, as if to stick two fingers up at anyone who dares to criticise him, Freer has appointed Lynne Hillan as his replacement.

That’s like Gordon Brown making Alistair Darling Chancellor. The result will be the same.

Lynne Hillan is the former Managing Director of Ashurst Direct Marketing Ltd, which went into creditors liquidation in September 2006 with debts of more than £121,000 - including £10,650 to the taxman - which remain unpaid.

Joining the Cabinet for the first time are Daniel Thomas and Robert Rams. Thomas will no doubt welcome his extra allowances as the running costs for his Ferrari Spider are going up all the time with fuel prices nudging £1 a litre.

Rams, previously thought of as being as quiet as a sheep (OK, that’s a cheap gag I know!) has recently developed cohunes. Not The Barnet Times hears that he recently told his former boss Brian Coleman to stop sending him stupid interfering e-mails.

Meanwhile Rome continues to burn.

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