Monday, 27 July 2009

Happy Anniversary Not The Barnet Times

Not The Barnet Times celebrates its first anniversary today. At the time of its launch, Don’t Call Dave had no idea that an innocent article written in defence of Rog T’s right to free speech would develop into of one Barnet’s premier web sites for political commentary.

DCMD is grateful to his readers for all their e-mails and messages of support over the last twelve months, and in particular would like thank Councillors Mike Freer and Brian Coleman, without whom none of this would have been necessary.


Anonymous said...

"...would develop into of one Barnet’s premier web sites for political commentary."

Maybe but nowhere near touching the great heights of Leader Listens and the Twitter feed associated with it. You haven't got a local government award yet!

Brian Coleman aka Mr Toad has GOT to go said...

Happy Anniversary NTBT!
