Wednesday 22 July 2009

Barnet’s elderly residents still under threat

ITV’s London Tonight reported yesterday on the plight of Barnet’s elderly residents living in sheltered accommodation, who are facing the loss of their warden service.

Not The Barnet Times understands that Panorama will also be broadcasting a program about the warden service in August.

As well as talking to affected residents, perhaps the BBC would like to interview the Cabinet Member too frit to meet with residents, or the Councillor who twice voted against the LibDem motion to refer the proposed cuts back to Cabinet for reconsideration.


DarkKnight said...

Withdrawing the warden service is not only inhumane, it is actually going to cost more in the long run as people need to go into full-time residential care. But the council probably don't care too much about that - they can always fleece the service users.

Still, I expect the council still has plenty of money to pay for things like legions of Community Support Officers (formerly known as traffic wardens). After all, they help generate funds!

Anonymous said...

Where was the Cabinet Member who is paid to be responsible for this area? Why was he / she not on camera explaining things? The whole point of the LGA 2000 was to INCREASE public accountability, it seems now people are paid money to hide behind press officers....

Rog T said...

I suspect that David's last post explained that. Too chicken