Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Edukashon, Edukashon, Edukashon

Don’t Call Me Dave has just returned from a few days at the sea-side. He took this picture on his steam powered Instamatic in the Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) clothes shop in Broadstairs, Kent.

The dim-witted shop assistant didn't seem to understand the problem, which could have readily been avoided with a little more thought and better punctuation!

It sums up 13 years of Labour's failed education policies. It is also an unintentional reminder of Labour’s woeful failure to tackle the teenage pregnancy problem in this country.

Still, with a bit of luck we won’t have to put up with Gordon Brown and his sleaze ridden cronies for much longer.

1 comment:

Citizen Barnet said...

It probably says more about the Isle of Thanet than anything. I should know, I was born there.

(Broadstairs - you lucky thing!)