Sunday, 2 May 2010

Council meeting cancelled because councillors fail to show up

A meeting of the Business Management Overview & Scrutiny sub-committee was cancelled last week because not enough councillors turned up to make it quorate.

There are ten councillors who sit on this committee with six substitutes yet between them not even three could be bothered to turn up - even though they are all paid very generous allowances by the taxpayer.

The party whips also receive a tax payer allowance to ensure that councillors attend meetings.

In the private sector, if workers do not attend the job for which they are paid without a valid reason, they are docked their pay. Don’t Call Me Dave calls for the members of this committee and the party whips to have their allowances docked accordingly.


xit53 said...

Dear David,

If you've ever worked in an office, private or public, then you'd know that getting full commitment from someone who is leaving is nearly impossible.

I sincerely hope you live your life to the exacting standards that you expect of everyone else.

Don't Call Me Dave said...


Who is to say these people are leaving? All are standing for re-election.

I realise, of course, that it is a very old fashioned concept to expect people to turn up to do the job they are paid handsomely to do.

xit53 said...

Dear David,

I say these people are all leaving. Being a politician is a temp job.

I suspect not all will be re-elected. Nothing is guaranteed. Hence they are leaving.

Instead of being old fashioned you could try being realistic and contemporary.