Thursday, 23 April 2009

Freer Condemns Smear Tactics

Somewhat belatedly jumping onto the bandwagon, Council leader Mike Freer has joined the calls for Finchley resident Damien McBride to be expelled from the Labour Party for his role in the shameful attempt to smear leading Conservative MPs, including David Cameron and George Osborne.

Mr McBride’s disgraceful behaviour was exposed by top blogger Guido Fawkes.

Following the condemnation of Mr McBride by Finchley & Golders Green MP Rudi Vis (himself no stranger to controversy following the disclosure that he effectively paid for his retirement home on the Suffolk coast at our expense), Mike Freer told the Ham & High Newspaper:
“Smear campaigns and gutter politics should have no place in the democratic process.”
Like Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Mr Freer was not elected leader by the people he leads, so we are unsure of his suitability to lecture anybody about the democratic process.

However, in the light of Cllr Freer’s comments, Barnet Council Watch wonders whether "Assassin in Heels” Spin Doctor McGearson will be receiving her P45 anytime soon?


Anonymous said...

I'll be waiting to see what happens to the full time lies and smear squad who were trashing Victor Lyon and Brian Salinger and others, including myself, for months and years before the Coup in 2006?

Of course, Mike Freer says he had nothing to do with that, so which Councillors will Mike Freer ask to leave his Group?

Don't Call Me Dave said...

To the person who posted a message at 16:48 on Thursday. I am sorry but your message was accidentally deleted. If you re-post it, I will be happy to publish it.

To the person who posted a message at 17:33 on Thursday. Your message was deleted because it was off topic.

Rog T said...


It seems he should look in his own back yard. This is a very Orwellian comment by him.