Wednesday, 28 January 2009

What value is Brian Coleman?

No stranger to controversy, Brian Coleman, has launched an astonishing attack on Mayor of London, Boris Johnson.

In front of television cameras and journalists a packed chamber, Coleman today asked a stunned BoJo to explain the cost of his “envoys, or consular generals and ambassadors.” He wanted to know what “added value” his appointments had brought London.

Many taxpayers have similarly been asking what value Brian Coleman brings to London. Let’s look at the facts.

As a member of the GLA, Coleman receives a basic allowance of £50,582

Add to this his Special Responsibility Allowance as Chairman of the London Fire & Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) - £25,612.50

Add his basic Barnet Council allowance - £9,735

Add his Barnet Council cabinet allowance - £17,036

Grand Total: £102,965.50 a year

Or £1,980.10 a week - Ker-ching!!!

And this is before taking into account his “expenses”.

With Barnet’s council tax set to rise by three times the rate of inflation (as measured by Mike Freer’s preferred Retail Price Index), and thousands of people across the Capital losing their jobs, Londoner’s are indeed entitled to ask precisely what value Coleman brings to London?


Rog T said...


You might find some of the comments on some of his fellow GLA Tory's websites interesting

Roger Evans

James Cleverly

I think Coleman has put his foot in it big time

Brian Coleman aka Mr Toad has GOT to go said...

DCMD - This is a marvellous post. I salute you sir!

Brian Coleman (aka Mr Toad) has GOT to go!:



Brian Coleman aka Mr Toad has GOT to go said...

Incidentally, it would be interesting reveal his true, overall cost by adding on those "expenses" - and even perhaps the value of all the freeloading for which he is (deservedly) so famed.

I imagine that could be a big job mind you.


Don't Call Me Dave said...

I don't think there are enough hours in the day to calculate that figure!

valblog said...

If Councils are sacking hundreds of people, why cant they start with this horrid fellow?

Don't Call Me Dave said...

That's a job for "we the people" at the ballot box. If people keep voting for Mr Coleman, he will keep drawing these expenses, although David Cameron has indicated that the gravy train will reach the end of the line when the Conservatives next take office.

Brian Coleman aka Mr Toad has GOT to go said...

Hey Anon - Why dont you get to work for the good of your constituents instead using your ridiculously expensive time coming on here to split hairs with DCMD - or shuttling between one free lunch and another or engaging in yet another foolish outburst in - if you are a proper councillor ..

Oh, hang on..

Anonymous said...

something seems to be missing

Oh hang on, im right and you are wrong

Don't Call Me Dave said...

Mr Toad

I have removed the comments from Anon (and my replies to him). He had suggested that my original blog was incorrect because I had overstated the amount of allowances Brian Coleman receives from LFEPA.

Their web site states:

An annual basic allowance of £7,564.91 is payable to LFEPA’s borough representatives and Mayoral appointees.

Special Responsibility Allowances (SRAs) are payable at the rates below to borough members or Mayoral appointees who hold these positions of responsibility. SRAs are payable to London Assembly representatives who hold the position of Chairman and Vice Chair.

The LFEPA have now confirmed that Coleman only receives the SRA of £25,612.50 and not the basic allowance of £7,564.91. I am happy to correct this mistake.

However, it is worth noting that Brian Coleman still receives over £100,000 in allowances - almost two grand a week. Ker-ching!

Don't Call Me Dave said...

Dear Anon

I told you I would correct the blog if I had made a mistake.

But tell me, do you think it will make any difference in the public’s perception of Brian Coleman to know that his allowances this year are only £102,965.50 and not £110,000 as previously stated?

Brian Coleman aka Mr Toad has GOT to go said...

"something seems to be missing

Oh hang on, im right and you are wrong"

Mr Toad -

Your freeloading and your leeching are morally wrong - plain and simple. We, your unfortunate constituents, are absolutely right to flag it up.

Your hair-splitting and your crowing underline the character flaws that make you so unsuitable for office.

Brian Coleman (aka Mr Toad) has GOT to go!:



Rog T said...

One less deckchair on the titanic?