Thursday, 25 September 2008

Congratulations Lynne Hillan!

I have been accused by some characters of bringing the Conservative Party into disrepute, so let me be amongst the first to congratulate Barnet Councillor Lynne Hillan who was today elected Chairman of the London Councils Grant Committee. Well done and good luck!

This committee meets up to four times a year and I am sure Lynne will be worth every penny of the £5,299.32 allowance that comes with the job.

Just one question. According to the Press Release, Cllr Hillan “has a business background as founder and MD of a marketing firm.” Can they be referring to Ashurst Direct Marketing Ltd, which went into creditors liquidation in September 2006 with debts of more than £121,000, including £10,650 to the taxman?


Anonymous said...

If you made it into a TV comedy they would say it is too far fetched.

Anonymous said...

Oh but it gets better, according to records at Company House, the Company Secretary at the time of the "collapse" was Cllr Ms Hillan's Octogenarian mother, who at the time was living in a charity flat owned by Finchley Charities. Readers will be pleased to know that she no longer relies on a charity for her home, the Council have re-housed her!

Anonymous said...

5 grand for 4 meetings? Trebles all round!

Anonymous said...

I see failed business woman Lynne Hillan is to make a decision on wardens in barnet. I bet her own mother is okey. Sorry Lynne you are just tat. Lets hope she deos'nt come to watford

Watson said...

Ms Hillan says that easyCouncil will deliver better services for less money. Surely this is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

@Watson. It's a great thing that she says it. It's appalling that it's not happening and that money is wasted hand over fist.

Just in the past year salaries of the top staff have soared, with the CE getting £200K+ a year and some Councillors getting a 50% increase in some allowances.

The Council's auditor has also downgraded them, to just one level above the lowest it could award, for delivering "Value for Money". There also looks to be an £18 million hole in the proposed budget this year.

There are some efficient and superbly run Conservative Councils that are placed to experiment with some post-bureaucratic ideas that David Cameron has; Barnet needs to conquer the basics before it can start down that path.

It will also lead a Leader with some different skills and experience to the current one who's main claim to fame seems to have been driving her business to bankruptcy.